Monday, November 14, 2011

On the Mend

Alyssa finished her round of antibiotics on Saturday.

Olivia and I started our very own rounds of antibiotics today.

See, Olivia didn't seem sick. Not during the day anyway. But at night, she coughed and coughed and each morning for the past few mornings she's had to clear her through repeatedly. And, worst of all, her appetite was dimished greatly. Olivia is our good eater. She eats a large variety of good foods and she eats a lot of it. Except, in the last week or so, she hasn't.

So off to the doctor we went.

And she's got some sort of bronchial infection. And so she's on medication. Whee!

I just hope it kicks in soon so we can all sleep better. When Olivia doesn't sleep, gues who else doesn't sleep. That's right, the mama. And I'm so, so tired.

So that's where we are. She only has to take the medicine for five days. It really helped Alyssa bounce right back so I have high hopes for little Miss O.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. I hope you are both feeling better in no time!

Big hugs!

Tiffany said...

I really hope you are all feeling better soon!!!