Friday, October 11, 2019


These last few weeks have felt like months.

I know someday I’ll miss these busy evenings with school things calling my name and taking me away from hearth and home.

But right now, I could use a little boredom.

I don’t know how those with multiple kids in several sports and extracurricular activities do it. I just have the one interactive kid and I’m tired.


One Wednesday evening in the recent busy weeks, I was sitting on the couch at about 8:15 (I know, SO BUSY, but in my defense I hadn’t gotten home until 7 that evening and still had to pack my lunch, eat my dinner AND give Olivia a bath, so give me a flipping break.) I glanced up from my phone because of course it was in my hand.

I looked at Alyssa on the other end of the couch and Olivia on the floor with her tablet. I am so lucky, so blessed.

Anyway, I wasn’t feeling all that lucky in that moment.

I sighed and said, “This week is taking forever and it’s only Wednesday. Daaaamn.”

Olivia laughed. She laughed and laughed and then she said, “Daaaamn.”

Alyssa looked up from her phone (we’re a screen family, what of it?) and said, “Huh? So we’re that kind of family now?”

I give her a moment but when she didn’t drop the F bomb or say anything else at all, I laughed and told her, “Nah, we’re just all really tired and ready for football and prom to be OVER.”

For what it’s worth, prom isn’t until next May…it’s going to be a long year.

Feel free to remind me of that when I’m lamenting about how fast the teenage/high school years fly by.

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