Thursday, July 9, 2020


I had an appointment with my radiation oncologist on a Tuesday in June. It was the third Tuesday in June of 2020.

This doctor, while kind and well-meaning, usually made me feel terrible about myself.

But at this appointment, he had nothing but good things to say. He didn’t tell me to get more exercise, he didn’t tell me to start eating a plant-based diet.

No, instead, he told me that I’m showing marked improvement in my left arm, the measurements show that I’m managing my lymphedema very well with exercise and self-massage.

He listened to my concerns (there weren’t many, I never want to bother anyone) and did a thorough exam. He said everything looks good.

It all looks good enough that he’s releasing me from his care.

I did ask him the question I’ve had since I stopped seeing some sort of doctor or nurse on a weekly basis. I’ve wondered all this time, which doctor do I ‘bother’ with which concerns. I mean, I have so many specialists, who do I call if my hip hurts? Who wants to know if I feel something else, a pain, a lump, anything in my breast?

He was very helpful in answering this question. If I have any breast concerns at all, I should call the surgeon. He can actually do a biopsy right there in his office. Or he can order tests, exams, whatever to find out what’s going on.

Dr. Z, the chemo oncologist is my go-to guy for anything else.

Dr. R said that when breast cancer comes back, it often comes back in the bones. It seems to like the shoulders, the hips, the spine. So if I have unexplained pain in any of those areas that doesn’t get better in a couple of weeks, I should call Dr. Z’s office.

So…that’s all good stuff. I feel better informed at this point than I have in two plus years, which is a really good feeling.

1 comment:

Julie said...

It sucks that you have to go through this but I'm happy that the appointment went well.