Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How's My Hair?

Okay, so it’s been 27 weeks since my last chemo. My hair has been trimmed twice by Auntie Lorry. I colored it about eleven days ago. So much better. At least I think so and I’m the one who has to look in the mirror each day, so there you go. I would say that about 90% of people, even when not asked, would tell me that they’d keep the white/gray hair if they were me. The other 10% told me that they got it, they’d dye it too. I love those who embrace aging and all the signs, go you! But I can’t, not yet. Someday, maybe.

Since I have neglected this place and not updated weekly as I once said I would, here are the last many weeks of How’s My Hair Wednesday pictures. It’s kind of cool to see them all in one place, to see how far my hair has come.

I’m grateful for the growth but reserve the right to complain about it as much as I want. I know how lucky I am but am still able to appreciate the horror that is my hair some days.

Here we go from thirteen weeks post chemo to now:

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