Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Taking Up Space

My mom went with me on Saturday afternoon/evening to watch Alyssa and her bandmates perform. There were four other high school marching bands as well as a college marching band. It was fun.


There’s always an ‘except.’

Except the woman in front of me had no idea who much space she actually took up. She was so excited to be there and I was happy for her that shew as there to watch whatever kid/grandkid/great niece/nephew was performing.

She was wearing bright green (including her nails, which were FIERCE) so it wasn’t hard to figure out which school she was there for.

But she was so very there, in that space.

She’d brought one of those stadium chair that clip in the bleachers and give her some back support.

Good for her.

Unfortunately for me, the chair wasn’t all that substantial and each time she leaned back in it, she was basically in my lap.

And she appeared to be completely unaware of this fact.

She leaned back often and smashed into my knees, which should have been in the middle of her back, jabbing away at her, but her chair cushioned her (but not my knees) enough that she simply had no clue that she was encroaching on my space.

Because I’m a wuss and never one to rock the boat, I never said a word. But I did glare a few times and I positioned my knees in the best way possible to give her a start if she felt them at all.

Alas, she didn’t feel them and I was smushed by her above average weight on several occasions.

The bands were amazing. The fans…not so much.

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