Friday, March 20, 2020

The One Where I Talk about My Favorite Chris aka You Can Skip this One if You want

The One Where I Talk about My Favorite Chris

Everyone has a favorite Chris, right? I mean, how can you not? Sure, they’ve all got their strengths but obviously one is far and away the best Chris.

Can you guess my favorite Chris?

But wait, is it hurtful for me to have a least favorite Chris? It’s not like Chris Evans is ever going to read this, right? So yes, there it is. He’s my least favorite Chris. Though to be fair to him, I haven’t actually ever seen any of the movies he’s been in. I know, *gasp* I’ve never seen Captain America. Nerd that I am, I’ve never really been into the Marvel superheroes. It’s not that I dislike the Marvel universe, in fact, I do so love the X-men but I’ve always just been more of a DC fan when it comes to the movies, X-Men not included. OMG, this is getting REALLY nerdy. Sorry.

Pratt and Hemsworth are tied for second place. I mean, neither is awful or anything, they just aren’t Chris Pine.

Ahhh, Chris Pine.

Have you seen him in Finest Hours? That man is so amazing. He captures the character of Bernie Webber so beautifully. I just can’t even stand it. I think I’ve watched that movie at least four times and now, just thinking about it, I want to watch it again.

And then there’s his portrayal of Captain James T. Kirk. I love him so much (both Kirk and Pine.) He manages to bring Kirk to life without making him a caricature. He doesn’t do ‘William Shatner as Kirk.’ He’s managed to breathe life into a character that could very much be cartoonish.

But wait, that’s not all. His role as Steve Travers in Wonder Woman…I mean, damn. He’s just so pretty.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I guess we need to see Finest Hours. I love him as well.
