Alyssa has been embracing her curly hair for about six months. You know, since the quarantine started.
She found a few fb groups that talk about how to treat your hair and bring out your curls.
One such group touts the “Curly Girl” method of caring for your hair.
It’s all about getting your hair back to a healthy state.
I was scrolling through Instagram one evening and came across a post about frizz and some of the possible reasons your hair is frizzy.
1. Too much water…or not enough water
2. Too much product…or not enough product
3. You’re washing your hair too much…or not enough
4. You’re using products with silicone
5. You’re having a reaction to the coconut oil in your product…or you need MORE coconut oil. Everyone’s hair is different, don’t you know.
6. You’re not scrunching your hair enough…but you’re also touching your hair too much.
7. You need more mousse and less gel…or less mousse and more gel.
It went on and on like that. It was ridiculous. Because basically, they’d don’t really know why people get frizzy hair. It just happens and you should do HOURS of experimentation to figure it out for yourself but hey, buy our products and they might work for you…or they might not; no refunds!
I haven’t bothered to ask Alyssa how much money she’s spent on this curly hair journey of hers. She makes her own money and well, as long as it’s not outrageous, whatever.
She’s got a t-shirt and several microfiber towels that she uses for ‘plopping’ her hair. This is when she lays her hair into the towel/shirt and then gently wraps it so it can dry. This is very different from what I do with my terrycloth towels when I wrap my hair in them. I’m just trying to get the excess water out, not trying to place my hair into any sort of curl patterns.
And don’t get me started on curl patterns. OMG! The insanity. Are you a 1 or a 2c or a 5? Who the hell knows?
She also has a hair dryer with a diffuser. Damn, that thing takes FOREVER. I am not willing to put that much time and effort into my hair. I’m sorry. No. I have five minutes each morning after my shower to comb my wet hair and then it’s time to wake Olivia and braid her glorious hair. I don’t want to carve out three more hours so that I can dry my hair with a diffuser.
I will scrunch some mornings. I will use mousse (but not gel) and I try not to touch my hair much as it drying but even that takes a lot of mental effort and I don’t really have the fortitude to follow through.
So…my girls get to have the awesome hair and I’ll be over here with my frizzy ponytail. After being bald for eight months (or so, because really, when does bald turn into fuzz turn into actual hair?) I’m kind of happy with my frizzy ponytail.
1 comment:
Do you guys have an Ulta up there? It would probably be A's dream store. I still pay $15 to get my hair at Great Clips and I'll spend $50 on a haircut for Riley at a salon. My shampoo is Dove for $5, Riley has 15 shampoos for different hair days. LOL So I guess what I'm saying is that we are in the same hair boat.
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