Sunday, April 8, 2018

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last weekend (Easter weekend) my mom invited me and the girls over to her house on Good Friday to dye eggs with Jaxon, Connor and Sabella, my cousin's daughter.

This was the first time Sabella saw me without a hat since losing my hair. She asked me what happened to my hair. I told her I'd had to take some medicine that made my hair fall out. She took that as a good enough answer and went back to her eggs.

Later, she glanced up at me and informed me, "You look like Zordon."

I had no idea who Zordon was so I just accepted her word for it.

It turns out that Zordon is the mentor of the Power Rangers. Good to know. We googled images of Zordon, the resemblance is uncanny.

I'm considering changing my profile picture to this:

I mean...I'm not sure anyone would even realize it isn't me in the above picture. Hahaha. I do so love the honesty of children. They're so refreshing.

Speaking of my hair, I tried to take a picture of the epic case of hat head I happened to have on Friday but it didn't photograph well. But trust me, it was awesome.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Okay, it's hilarious because it's more that he could be your twin brother because he definitely has a more masculine look to him than you do. But Love that you are taking it with a smile.