Thursday, August 16, 2018

Notes From the Tooth Fairy

Several weeks ago, Liv had to have five baby teeth pulled. When we visited the orthodontist in May, he found seven that needed to come out. Before we made it to the dentist, Liv managed to get one of those seven out while eating some Dots candy. The other sixth tooth is hanging on by a thread and the dentist said it should just come out by itself. The permanent tooth is actually already in, the baby tooth is behind it. Liv is channeling Shark Week with those two teeth. The dentist did say that if it isn't out when we go back in a couple of weeks for some work on her teeth, he'll just pop it out. I might just go out and buy her some more Dots.

The dentist was kind enough to send O's teeth home with her so she could put them under her pillow for the tooth fairy. Olivia's pretty sure I'm the tooth fairy but she's willing to go along with the whole charade because she gets a lovely note each time she leaves a tooth under her pillow.

She doesn't even care about the money she gets, she is always anxious to read the note. This warms my heart so much. I love that she wants to believe in the magic of fairies and mermaids all things mythical. I mean, who's to say that mermaids and fairies aren't real? I'm not going to say that. Not ever.

If believing allows her to maintain her childhood even a little longer, I'm going to keep on writing those notes and leaving that money. I keep the notes for her too. I would like to figure out how to bind them into a book for her. It would be a great memory book for when she graduates from high school. Something, anyway.

Kids grow so fast. Let's let them be little as long as we can.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yay and hi! You should definitely put them in a book or at least take photos of them just in case they ever get lost.