Thursday, January 30, 2020


So I’ve mentioned that Tom spent most of 2019 broken.

It occurred to me recently that maybe it was his way of getting back at me for having cancer and having to go through treatments.

Oh come on, we all know it wasn’t a conscious revenge plot on his part but let’s admit I was a lot of work back in late 2017 and most of 2018.

So…maybe breaking bones was his way of slowing down, taking a minute and letting others do for him.

Sure, it seems like a pretty painful way to get a break but this guy works hard. He doesn’t stop on his own so I guess God, the universe, whatever you believe, decided to slow him down in the only way possible.

Not that he let us do much for him but he definitely slowed down.

He’s still limping a bit from that fall from the tree that broke his foot.

But he’s back at work (Ebaying) and getting out of the house (to go to antique stores, but still!) and he’s planning on going back up that damned tree and finishing the job he started the day he broke his foot. He says he’s going to use scaffolding next time, which he swears is safer than that he was using (a ladder? The tree itself? Who knows.) the day he fell.


I just pray that 2020 is a better, healthier, safer year for us all. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

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