You know that feeling when you’ve been sick for a while and suddenly, you get some good medicine and you suddenly realize how crappy you’d been feeling for who knows how long?
It can be the same with your kids.
See, Olivia was diagnosed with a virus a couple of weeks ago. She was snotty, her sleep was disrupted, she wasn’t eating all that well and she was pale, perhaps a bit lethargic.
But…we got used to it. We didn’t think much of her lackluster play, her quiet times.
Until recently, when she got some good antibiotics into her system to kill off the bacteria that decided to throw a party since the virus was in there distracting her immune system.
In the last three days or so, Olivia has come to life all over again. She’s loud, she’s dancing, she laughing, she’s running.
She EATING. Oh my goodness, how she’s eating. It’s as if we forgot how she really is when she’s not sick.
She energetic, she’s got color in her cheeks, she sleeps through the freaking night.
I realize there is nothing medically we can do for a virus, just keep the patient hydrated and well-rested but damn the bacteria that comes in and takes over when a virus is visiting. Those suckers can be fought and fight them we have.
It’s good to have both girls back to health these days, though the house is louder and messier and we’re going through food as if three teenage boys live in the house.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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