Olivia has these little rituals that she performs.
For example, after she uses the bathroom, she has to make sure the toilet lid is down before she'll leave the room. If she passes a bathroom where the lid is up, she must stop and put it down before she can continue her day.
The lid the trashcan is another thing she can't pass without closing.
It drives her crazy if a cabinet door is left open. If she can reach it, she'll close it herself. If she can't, she'll ask someone taller to close it for her.
She turns off the lights in every room where there is no one occupying that room. This? Is a good habit, we think.
But I wonder...are these little things signs of a budding case of OCD?
She can function even if something isn't perfect, but it makes her feel much better if the toilet lid is down, there is nothing but water in the toilet bowl and all the cabinets are closed tightly.
We aren't exactly worried...yet. But I wonder if OCD is part and parcel of 5p- syndrome.
Interesting reading ..... Makes me think also.. Abigail is the same about lights being off and doors being closed.
My O has some OCD tendencies too...who knows!
There is a lot of OCD with 5P-! It is the destructive compulsions (like hair-pulling) that are hard to manage. J. also cannot leave strings/ fibers alone and also has to put them into little slots, twirl them and paste them onto the TV screen or windows. She cannot leave a box or drawer un-emptied. You can imagine the potential for a daily mess.
Really, Olivia's rituals do sound to me like good habits! What we would love to be able to channel J.'s compulsions into...
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