Friday, April 27, 2012


I tend to be sarcastic by nature. I often can’t help it, the snarky words just come out of my mouth before my brain even has a chance to filter them or consider my audience.

Last night I was in a foul mood most of the evening.

Olivia’s had the sniffles the past few days and because of this, she’s had several nights of interrupted sleep. Guess who else gets to have interrupted sleep when she does? That’s right, me. I’m so, so lucky.

Oh wait, I apologize for the sarcasm.

So at 8:45, I was herding Alyssa up the stairs for bed as I carried a sleep Olivia. O had been asleep for maybe a half hour. I was tired, grouchy from having zero down time since we’d gotten up that morning at 6 and my sarcasm filter was out to lunch.

Alyssa was dragging her feet as usual and I was attempting to trudge up the stairs when I said, “We need to get to bed now because I know Olivia is going to wake up in two hours anyway.”

And…Tom rolled his eyes at me.

He rolled his freaking eyes.

I snapped, “What?”

He tried to pretend it didn’t happen and when I pressed him he said, “It was just your tone…”

And I asked, “What tone?”

“You don’t know she’s going to wake up,” he stated. “Your tone was just so grouchy.”

I fumed and stormed up the stairs as much angrily as I could while carrying a sleeping child who weighs almost forty pounds.

But damn it, I think I’m allowed to be a little grouchy about the amount of interrupted sleep I suffer. He NEVER hears either of the girls wake up. They NEVER call out to him in the middle of the night and when he falls asleep, he knows he’ll get to sleep through until morning unless, heaven forbid, he has to get up to pee!

So yes, I was grouchy about the impending wake up call.

And to be fair, she didn’t wake up two hours after I put her in bed. It was an hour and a half after. So yeah, I DID know she was going to wake up.

And for the record, she was asleep, it’s not as if my snark had any sort of impact on her mood anyway. Neither of my girls seem to take my sarcasm seriously, though I am trying to curb it. I don't want them to think I'm always angry or in a bad mood. Nor do I ever want them to think they're the cause of my frustration or negative emotions.

But damn, I'm tired...


Lauren said...

Momma... did I ever tell you the story I heard about the two men who were chopping down trees?

Julie said...

I want to hear the tree story!

Tommie said...

Me too!!