We have a lot going on this weekend.
Relatively speaking, that is. I mean, if you were to look at our weekend schedule and compare it to Julie’s and her daughter’s, well, we’re total slackers but for us, it’s a busy weekend.
Which makes me sad and sleepy. When we’re busy, it means I don’t get to sleep at much and everyone knows a sleepy me is a cranky me. No one, especially my family, wants to deal with a cranky me.
Friday in September means high school football. Now, since I’m not a football (sport?) fan, one would think this wouldn’t mean anything to me. Alas, my daughter is in the marching band and even when there are away games, the band is bussed to the game and so…Mom schleps her big butt to the game too. On the bright side, since it’s an away game, her band doesn’t play the pre-game and so I don’t have to suffer through the entire first half before her band plays for half-time. Wheee!!
So that means I’ll get home from work at 5:00, take O to my mom’s and visit for an hour or so, head home where Tom will feed Livie and I’ll head to the game. It’s at a school that’s fairly close, all of ten miles from our house, so that’s nice. I’ll probably get home around 8:45 or 9:00, O and I will settle in and wait for A to get home from the game. She obviously has to stay for the whole thing and then gets bussed back to the school. N usually brings her home these days. How convenient is that?
Saturday, Alyssa has another band thing, this time farther away. She has to be at the school early afternoon and I get to go over in the evening to watch her and her bandmates show off what they’ll have learned that day. We have to fit buying groceries in there somewhere because my family seems to think they need to eat every single day. Heck, they want to eat several times a day. Sigh.
Sunday I have to attend a parent meeting at the school at 6pm for the musical, in which Alyssa has a small part. She didn’t get the part she tried out for but she’s rolling with it and making the best. I’m proud of her for being so easy going while still encourage her to speak out and get noticed. It’s a fine line
But before the meeting…laundry, laundry and more laundry. But even though I’ll be spending most of that day home, it doesn’t feel like a day of rest. I have a filthy house right now. The carpets need vacuumed, the kitchen floor needs to be swept and mopped. I need to clean all the bathrooms because, yuck.
Beds need stripped and sheets need washed. After that, beds need to be remade. I am so very appreciative of the luxury of having a washer and dryer in my house to be used at my convenience. I know not everyone has that. And hey, how lucky are we that we can afford groceries each week?
Anyway, written out, it doesn’t seem like much but as it rolls around in my head, it feels like a full load. Remember that phrase from college? I remember being so jealous of students who ‘only’ took twelve credit hours and still didn’t have to work. I worked every semester of college except the first one and also took at least fifteen credit hours, more often seventeen or eighteen, or as they said back in the 20th century, it was a full load. I guess that prepares us for marriage, children and jobs. Most definitely a full load.
1 comment:
Wow, that was a big weekend for you all! It's not the Weekend Olympics, right? So we can both have full weekends. HAHA!
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