Sunday, August 16, 2020


Alyssa and I went to a graduation party last week.

Oh, calm down. We weren’t there more than ten minutes, we wore masks the entire time and we didn’t eat or touch anything. Sure, no one else in the entire room (it was the gym of an old school) wore masks and everyone else was acting like there is not pandemic but we were most excellent social distancers.

Also, we dropped Liv off at my mom’s along the way to keep our own numbers down and let’s face it, she has a hard time keeping her grubby little hands to herself, though to be fair, she is VERY good at slathering hand sanitizer on those grubby little hands all the way up to her arm pits.

This party, or open house, or celebration or whatever, was on a Friday from 5pm to 9pm. We arrived at like 5:10. We planned it this way so that we wouldn’t have to breathe the stench of a thousand other maniacs as the evening wore on.

I didn’t tell Tom about this little venture into the world of semi-socializing until the morning of the event. No need to stress the poor man any more than he already stresses. Dude needs to turn off the damned television, is what I’m saying.

I mentioned the grad party as I was walking out the door to go to work that day. He gave me a look that said he doubted my sanity in this decision and I shrugged and said, “We have to make an appearance. We’ll be careful.”

He retorted, “Well, since you’re not asking permission, I guess I can’t say anything.”

Permission?!? Hahahahaha. I am so sure.

Any of you out there who actually know me in real life, can you even imagine me asking permission for something like this? And let’s remember, I’m not contrary, not at all, but if he were to try and tell me we couldn’t go, guess where we’d go and stay for HOURS? And if that isn’t just cutting off my nose to spite my face, I don’t know what is.

I just laughed at him because, yeah, okay, I’ll ask permission.

I think he was sort of joking but I also know he really didn’t think it was a good idea for us to go.

Guys…will this ever end? Will we ever get back to just living our lives? I just wanted to drop off a card with some money in it and tell this young lady I was happy for her. We didn’t hug, we didn’t shake hands, we didn’t eat a ‘walking taco.’ Hell, we didn’t even stick around for cake. That’s what this pandemic is doing to us, it’s taking away our CAKE.

Olivia has seventh grade orientation on the Monday before the girls go back to school. Tom will not be attending this orientation. He feels (and rightly so, if I’m perfectly honest) that if everyone is smart, one parent will attend with their child. This will limit the number of people attending and will hopefully aid in social distancing.

So I’m taking Liv to her seventh grade orientation. Because you know me. I don’t miss this sort of thing. I’m THAT mom. And I never even asked permission before I became THAT mom.

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