Monday, August 10, 2020

This is Not a Political Blog...

Okay, I realize that this is NOT a political blog. But I think everyone who reads what I write here can probably guess where I stand on the current administration.

While my family and those close to me are very aware of my opinion of our current ‘leader’, the rest of the world, as in acquaintances and co-workers, probably aren’t. This is mostly because I am not a ‘shout it from the rooftops’ type.

But…I can barely stand the masks several co-workers are wearing these days. These masks have 45’s name and the numbers 2020 on them. Ugh!

I try and imagine if I were to wear a “Biden – 2020” mask to work. Wouldn’t that be fun?

But see, it’s not so much that I’m a Biden fan. I’m more of a “I will vote for anyone who is NOT our current president.”

Let’s all remember that any vote for Biden this November is a vote AGAINST 45. Can we all agree that a vote against the monster currently in the Whitehouse is a good thing? If we can’t agree to that, I supposed we can agree to disagree but in this case, I will be thinking that you are wrong.

I simply cannot imagine how anyone can listen to that moron speak and NOT realize that he’s insane. He’s horrible. He’s a misogynistic, racist, homophobic asshole.

And right now, he’s ‘leading’ our country.

It makes me sick to my stomach to think of it and yet there are people wearing masks over their faces with his name on them.

I just…can’t.

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