Gotta go back, back, back to school again...Ahem, sorry for the little Grease 2 flashback.
We’ve been talking about school for months now, right?
The girls’ last day of school was Friday, March 13. Sure, sure, they did online school until the end of May but please. That hardly counts.
It’s as if they’re currently on week 20 of spring break.
I’ve been waiting for the school to get their ‘reopening plan’ together and posted.
It’s happened. They posted it on July 30th.
The gist is the school will do their best to clean, clean, clean common surfaces. Kids will be encouraged to social distance as much as possible. Masks will be encouraged throughout the day, obviously during lunch masks will be impossible but the school will attempt to keep kids in the same groups at all times.
So…we’ll see.
About five days after the school dropped their reopening plan, Tom asked, “So, when does the online schooling start back up for the girls?”
*aside: He asked me this at 6:48am on a Tuesday (fucking Tuesdays). I’d just put my phone in my purse and was getting ready to walk out the door.*
I paused, put my purse down and went to the kitchen table where I’d laid the letter we’d received the day before addressed to “The Parents of Olivia Ordinary”. It was informing us of a parent/student meeting on August 17 for students transitioning into seventh grade. Alongside this letter were copies of both girls’ immunizations from our family doctor’s office. I am taking those to the school to have the nurse confirm that both girls are up to date on their vaccinations.
Look at me, all on top of shit these days.
I also mentioned the text we’d received the day before informing us of the day and time we were to drop off O’s Chromebook.
At this point, it occurred to him that there was, apparently, not going to be online school this year, that the girls are going to be IN school.
He mused, “Yeah, Olivia probably would do better if she were in school.”
You think?
I blinked at him. Where has he been these last twenty weeks?
I mean, seriously?
Was he not there during the tearful days that I was at home trying to keep her on task, both of us at our wit’s end, slowly losing our minds?
Can he not see the state of her cuticles, as she picks them bloody from the anxiety she’s feeling these days?
She needs the routine of school. She needs to be around her peers, even if through masks. She needs the patience of those teachers who know her, who care about her, who are trained to help her. She needs to be away from the news and the murder and the crime shows that are constantly blaring from the television in our family room day in and day out.
Yeah, she’s going to school. I hope and pray it’s the best decision. Obviously, remaining home and waiting out this virus would be best for all but…that just doesn’t feel possible right now, not for any of us. And it’s a shame that we’re having to choose between our physical health and our mental health.
Sigh…it feels very much like we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.
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