Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I think I've admitted before that I was a band geek in high school. I even attended band camp one summer. Nothing 'fun' happened like it did in that one movie.

So when my mom got a piano from her sister, everyone assumed I'd be the one to teach Alyssa and eventually Olivia how to play.

Except...I haven't read music in, oh, twenty years.

Alas, one does what one must.

So I picked up the beginner piano book my aunt included with the piano and...we're learning.

Both Alyssa and I are learning as we go. I've taught myself two songs and have in turn taught them to Alyssa. My mom has had the piano for four days. I'm calling it a good start.

The flute didn't not come naturally to me all those years ago in fifth grade when I first picked it up. I never aspired to be better than third chair. Hint: There were only five us. One was first chair, two were second chair and that left two uf us as third chair. I was okay with that.

I truly believe the band director chose me to be the drum major of the marching band because the band itself wouldn't miss my flute playing. Okay, and I could march in a straight line.

But all that considered, we're loving this piano thing. It's fun and as long as it continues to be fun, we're going to pursue being a musical family.

Go us.


Julie said...

Impressive! I bought a beginner's piano book last week!

And remember what Rick told me about Alyssa seeming like a natural at piano when she was playing it at our house?

Tommie said...

I did that. I hope she does because then at some point, she's going to be teaching me. :-)