Saturday, August 4, 2012


Not much production today. We visited one of my cousins who recently moved back to the area. Her house is lovely, old, lots of character.

There's something to be said for deciding the laundry and vacuuming can wait another day and just hitting the road for a mini roadtrip.

That's what we did. My cousin lives over an hour away and the girls and I jumped in my mom's car, didn't care that the laundry wasn't going to do itself and enjoyed the day.

It was a very girly day. My cousin's reason for having us over was a Pampered Chef party. While I ordered a fwe things, it wasn't the main reason for going.

The main reason was to spend a day with my mom, daughters, aunts and cousins.

And it was good.

Sometimes being unproductive can create the best of memories.

Like the one my girls made today of standing on my cousin's front porch, watching lightening flash and rain pour down, feeling the mist of that rain on their faces as they danced at the edge of the porch, safe yet adventurous.

It might just be the best productions yet.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yay for road trips!!! Some of my best childhood memories are from those and I'm hoping Riley's are as well.