Thursday, October 30, 2014

Already Behind

So we’re heading into our busy season. I should probably but the word busy in quotes because compared to other families (I’m looking at you, Julie and Riley) we’re not really all that busy but compared to our own, more sedate schedule, the coming months are going to be busy.

And here I am, already behind on the laundry and dirt patrol of our house.

Last weekend we were only gone one day and things got away from me.

This coming weekend should be okay, Alyssa has a party on Saturday but it’s only a few miles away and I can drop her off and pick her up instead of staying with her like I did when she was in second grade (can you say hover?)

Next weekend is my birthday. Yay me!! But it should also be fairly easy to stay on top of our weekend chores.

The weekend after that the girls and I will leave on Friday afternoon (I’ll pick them up from school) and we’re head to Bloomington for the IU dance marathon. We’ll be gone until Sunday afternoon. Guess what the laundry will be doing? Accumulating. I know, so sad.

The weekend after that, we leave on Saturday morning for West Lafayette for the Purdue dance marathon. We’ll come home on Sunday but before we can actually come home, we’ll stop in Fort Wayne for O’s birthday party. Yay her!! Tom will meet us there along with all her little guests. Fun.

The following weekend is Thanksgiving and O’s actual birthday. We usually put the Christmas tree up on the Friday or Saturday following Thanksgiving, so that’ll be fun and messy. But still fun.

Then it’s December and the real fun begins.

I don’t know when the laundry is going to get done. Or the carpets will be vacuumed, or the floor swept. But fun will be had and memories will be made. In the end, that’s all the counts.



1 comment:

Julie said...

Ha! I just told Rick and Riley last night that the house has to stay clean because I will not have time to clean it again before we leave on Sunday.

I will see you Saturday of IUDM whenever we get there. Hopefully before 4PM. YAY!