My brother agreed with the
HIS RIGHTS, I tell you. How dare the medical community ask a red-blooded American citizen, A FREE HUMAN BEING, to wear a mask over their nose and mouth when they're in public?
I rarely get political on FB. I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind and they're only going to be asses so, what's the point?
But this time, I replied.
I replied to my brother's comment rather than to the original post.
I simply said, "I'm not trying to start an argument but I wear a mask anytime I'm in public. I wear it to protect other people. My 'freedom' is not more important than someone else's life."
I wanted to say to the original poster, "Okay, so you won't wear a mask. So I guess that means you think no one else should, right? Well, then, pick the person in your family that you're going to sacrifice so that you don't have to wear a mask."
Is that extreme?
It's not.
People are dying. Maybe not someone in your family. Maybe not in my family but people are DYING and those people have families and they don't deserve to die any more than you or I do.
What the actual hell, people? So you wear a mask and save a life. Is your freedom that freaking important that you aren't willing to save lives!?!
Are masks comfortable? Of course not. But I'm betting it's way more uncomfortable to have Covid-19. It's also was more uncomfortable to have to bury your loved one and not even get to have a memorial service for them because of social distancing.
People are picking the WRONG things to get all pissy about.
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