So the other day, before all my angst of needing just an hour of alone time came along, Olivia and I were leaving the house for a rare trip to the grocery store. We needed AAA batteries for O's book light. She uses it to light the way to the bathroom at night and let me just tell you, AAA batteries are cheaper than Pull Ups.
As we were leaving, I said to Tom, only half joking, "Don't enjoy the quiet too much."
See, he's either alone in the house or alone in his trips to wherever he needs to go.
Ahem, sorry, that's already been lamented.
When O and I got back from the grocery store, Tom was acting odd.
Apparently, my comment got to him.
I said I shouldn't have said anything.
He said he wants to know how I feel.
I said well, I was telling him in that moment and yet...he was upset about how I feel.
Whatever. We're all tense around here. We're tired and yet not getting out enough. We're eating too much and not exercising enough. We're going crazy around here.
Tom tells me I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting a little time to myself. But when he says that, it makes me feel awful.
It's all a stupid circle and I cry and he feels bad and everyone's unhappy.
I need to remember that self care is not selfish and if being alone for a little while each day is what I need to not lose my mind and end up sobbing over the dryer at 1:30 on a Friday afternoon, well, then, I need to make time for that.
I will be back to work soon...I hope.
not because I hope to be away from my family but because I want this world to get back to some semblance of normal. I know that the normal we knew back before March 2020 will probably never be regained but some kind of normal is necessary for everyone's sanity.
On-line school assignments only go through next week. They're due May 15. After that, it's Right to Read Week and then...summer break, such as it may be. By the end of next week, I won't be needed at home the way I am now.
I'll head back to work, however that looks and we'll figure out our next new normal.
Let's just hope it with fewer tears than these last couple of weeks have seen.
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