Olivia and I go to my mom’s house at least twice a week during the work week.
I walk in the door each afternoon around 5pm and she greets me with, “Can we got to Gram’s?”
Sometimes I groan and tell her that I’m tired and just want to be home.
But other times, I hand her my phone, tell her to call Gram and see if she even wants company (if she’s home, she’s ALWAYS up for our visit) and off we go.
I do realize that O is stuck at home all day every day and so our visits to Gram are her way out of those four walls. Poor kid has had quite the sucky summer.
One recent afternoon we arrived at Casa Gram’s and found the dear woman hard at work canning relish. Olivia walked in and gagged at the smell. There was a strong smell of vinegar in the air.
After about fifteen minutes, Liv was able to remove her mask (she was ever so glad she had it) and declared that she’d gone ‘nose-blind’ and was able to breathe without gagging. She’s a funny girl.
After an hour or so Olivia and I left and once in the car, I declared that our car smelled very much like Gram’s relish. It wasn’t so much unpleasant as it was…there.
I smelled myself just to make sure the smell really was from the relish and not because my deodorant had stopped working.
Yikes. I reeked.
When we got home, I immediately added ‘new deodorant’ to our grocery list. I figured my body had done that thing where it just stops letting the deodorant work and my natural stench was pushing its way through. Not a pleasant thought. I wondered if I’d stunk all day at work but everyone was just too polite to say anything. What a horrible thought.
I have this real fear of being the stinky girl that everyone notices but no one lets in on the secret of the stench.
But wait! After dinner (and being disgusted by my own smell) I went up to take a shower and de-stink myself.
Guess what?
When I took off my shirt and sniffed myself sans shirt, there was no stink. I didn’t have horrible body odor after all.
I retrieved the shirt I’d just shed and sniffed. Yuck!
It wasn’t me. It was the shirt. The shirt I’d been wearing at my mom’s had absorbed ALL THE SMELLS and was horrible.
But man was I relieved to not be the stinky chick. If people at work are talking about me (and I seriously doubt they are. I try hard to blend into the woodwork) it’s not because I’m smelly. I take a lot of comfort in that knowledge.
I’m leaving ‘new deodorant’ on the grocery list, though. I’m going to buy a brand I don’t currently have so that I have new on hand just in case my current choice does stop working.
One can never be too prepared when it comes to stink prevention.
1 comment:
I have several thoughts about this.
1. The other day, I decided that I did, indeed, smell. I was home by myself so I went upstairs, showered, put on 8x the normal amount of deodorant and some fresh clothes. I had put chicken in the crock pot that day and when I opened it up, I decided that IT smelled like body odor. Now I already think Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup smells like body odor, but this was just plain chicken. I couldn't eat it for dinner but luckily, I had not said anything out loud and everyone else ate.
2. I was in the store last night and I decided my mask (of all things) smelled like body odor. Awful.
3. Riley is much like you, she does not want ANYTHING that would draw attention to her.
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