Friday, September 13, 2019

The Obnoxious Side of the County Fair

While I was fretting about my exceptional size, waiting for our turn to see if my hips and butt and boobs would fit on the Freak Out, there were shitty little kids calling their asshole friends to come and skip the line the rest of us had waited in for twenty minutes.

Seriously. That happened.

One obnoxious girl, probably 14 or so, who was at the front of the line kept turning around, pointing to her friends and waving for them to join her up front.

This ride is not one in which you share a car or something like the Scrambler or the Berries. No, this ride seats twelve people per cycle. TWELVE. And this little shit kept calling her friends to come up and take one of those twelve spots from those of us who’d been waiting our turn like civilized people.

She managed to get two of her crappy friends to skip the line, which just pisses me off.

Who is raising these kids to think this is okay behavior?

While Alyssa and I were waiting in line for what is kind of like the Octopus/Spider ride at Cedar point (kind of, but not exactly) two girls got off the ride and then ran around from the exit to the entrance and joined their brother who were near the front of the line. They jumped in front of at least fifteen people.

Their parents WERE RIGHT THERE!

I just do not understand why people do this. Why are there parents out there who let their kids be selfish pricks? They’re teaching their kids that the rules don’t apply to them.

It’s so wrong and obnoxious and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. Hell, probably nothing since the awful parents aren’t stepping up and making their kids be better people.


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