Friday, January 28, 2011


Last weekend I managed to myself and the girls dressed and out the door before noon. We'd planned a visit to our tiny village's little library and from there we'd go grocery shopping and then home to make cookies, blah blah blah.

It was going to be our first visit to the library.

But the library was closed. It's not open at all on Saturdays or Sundays. Well. That means we won't be visiting that library anytime soon since I work until 5 most weekdays and it's only open until 5 Monday through Friday.

So...what to do?

We headed into the bigger neighboring town and went to that library, which is open until 3pm on Saturdays. Score!

We love the library. We love the fact that most libraries have a children's section, where there are puzzles to be done, stuffed animals to be climbed upon and even books! Books to be perused.

And did you know? They let you TAKE those very books home, for FREE and all you have to do to get even more books is bring the ones you took last week back. It's an amazing concept.

Alyssa got her first library card this weekend. She was so excited.

In our old town, we lived outside the city limits and so I paid $65 a year for a library card and we just used mine to borrow books. But now? Alyssa can borrow books using her very own card.

Alas, at four, Olivia is too young to have her own library card. Poor kid is stuck using Mom's card for another ten months.

I'm a reader. I love to read. I think of it as an escape. I would read all the freaking time if I didn't have to do things like work, feed my children, put laundry away, etc.

Alyssa is becoming a reader. She's not as enthused by it as I was at her age, but I'm working on that. I want her to find the joy of other worlds, the fun of exploring places she may never see in person. I want her to understand the excitement of imagining herself in the very world about which she's reading.

Olivia? Loves to be read to these days. So we've always got books strewn about our house.

But this idea of not having to actually buy the books? And being able to give them back when we're done instead of having to find a place to store them? What a wonderful world we live in to have LIBRARIES. Libraries that give cards to you all free and willy nilly. So much excitement! It can barely be contained. Yet, it will because there are just so many books to be read!!!


Julie said...

You should start a book exchange at your gym. I did at mine. I brought in a boatload of books and we keep them in a box and people trade them around. I'm always looking for something to read during the gazillion hours that I'm there.

Anonymous said...

Me too! I love to read when I younger kids enjoy it more than the two oldest. And I've started to read to Sophie but her attention spam is at about 2 min right now but I hope to one day get through a whole Childrens book with her.