Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I don’t know about you but I’m feeling 42.

Oh wait.

Yes, it’s my birthday. Yay me. We had pizza and cake last night. The night before my birthday. Weird? Not really. I like to celebrate my birthday WEEK and I’m lucky that Tom and the girls are all for a week of cake.

Tonight I’m picking up some hot and sour soup from the local Chinese restaurant. Wheee! Birthday week is so fun.

So far my 40s have been good to me. I think it helps that Tom’s over 10 years older than I am, so no matter what age I reach, I’ll always be his young wife. Way to spin that one, huh?

I feel like this year is already going to be better than last. I’ve made some pretty big discoveries into the source of my issues and hey, that’s the first step.

I hope to work on the inside and have it show up on the outside. Is that how it works? I’ll let you know in 365 days.

For today I’m going to eat Brach’s peppermint Christmas nougats. Tis the season, don’t you know?


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I am seven years younger than my husband and I like to fool around with him and tell him I'm his hot young wife.

Tiffany said...

I hope you had a wonderful day!!!