Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Okay then...it seems I'm not feeling all that adventurous.

Radiation starts tomorrow and I can't sleep. Why am I nervous about this? I sort of know what to expect. I have researched this. I know it's necessary.

But all the research in the world can't really prepare you for the reality.

The reality in my head right now is that tomorrow morning I will go and let the nurses and doctor strap me into a machine and it will burn me for about twenty minutes. I will return to have this done thirty-three times. And each time will be worse than the one before it because, like chemotherapy, radiation and the damage/curative effects are cumulative.

So...I'm nervous.

I hope in about seven weeks I can report that my fears were unfounded and it was a breeze. I really hope that's the case.

I guess we'll see.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yet another day that I am so sad that we don't live closer.