Saturday, February 16, 2019

Fifth Grade Science

Fifth Grade Science

Olivia goes to the mainstream classroom for science and social studies. She’s given the same homework/tests as the rest of the class.

Yesterday, she brought home a practice test that the students had taken in class and then gone over with the teacher to use as a study guide for the actual test.

There were a few questions Olivia answered and the teacher wrote a question mark next to O’s answers.

The questions were:

Can you name an herbivore?

Can you name a carnivore?

Can you name an omnivore?

Olivia’s answer all of those questions was the same.

She answered, “Yes.”

And as far as she was concerned, she’d answered the questions correctly. I mean, right? The questions didn’t actually ask for those things. The question just asked if she COULD name one. It didn’t tell her TO name one.

So yeah.

We all had a good laugh and then I asked to actually write the names of an herbivore, a carnivore and an omnivore on the paper. It had, after all, been sent home to be corrected.

She still insisted on writing the word yes before writing cow, lion and pig on the appropriate lines. Sometimes, you just can’t fight the logic of Livie.

1 comment:

Julie said...

This made me laugh out loud! Go Olivia!
