Monday, May 24, 2021


I do love me some Instagram. I can spend way too much time browsing the search by or just watching the stories of the people I follow.

However, the ‘sponsored’ posts can sometimes be REALLY annoying. There’s this one particular ‘influencer’ I follow (her kids are adorable and yes, she’s cute too. She’s a little crunchy for me but whatever.) I don’t mind most of her posts. They’re pretty neutral.

But there was one post several months ago that has stuck with me.

She was talking about Reese’s Cups. I know, riveting.

But she started the story with something about how Reese’s cups are her favorite chocolate, which…duh.

But then she went on to stay, “But! I’m REALLY picky about my Reese’s cups. They have to be really fresh.” **Yes, she said these words with as much uppity snootiness as it might seem written out.**



What the peanut butter chocolaty hell is this?

She talked and gave actual examples of an ‘old’ Reese’s cup and a ‘fresh’ one. The old one broke and the peanut butter was ‘crumbly’. The fresh one wouldn’t even break, because the peanut butter was too soft to break. The paper that came off the old cup was dry. The paper from the ‘fresh’ one was oily…so. Yeah.

OMG. Seriously?

Supposedly her aunt, who knew how picky her dear niece was about her Reese’s, had found a way to get the factory (THE REESES FACTORY, apparently (don’t @ me, I KNOW it’s really the Hershey’s factory, WHATEVER!)) to send this woman Reese’s cups directly to her, cutting out the middle man that is the grocery store.

She never once said this was a sponsored story. She just went on and on about how picky she is about her Reese’s and how important it is to get it fresh from the factory.

I don’t know why this bothered me so much.

Maybe it’s because if I were pickier about my Reese’s I wouldn’t be so fat that I produce my own gravitational pull. I mean, hello, if it says Reese’s it’s probably going to go in my mouth, no matter how old it is.

I don’t even know.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Interesting. I've never put this into thought but I did eat a Reese Cup that was dry and it was gross. Same with Ding Dongs occassionally. Would I eat it again? Yes.