Friday, February 28, 2020


I’ve been really obnoxious lately around bedtime.

I just want to go to sleep and there’s Olivia, giggling over everything, but most especially over her attempts are twerking or something else to do with her butt.

That kid…I swear.

But one recent night was different.

We went to be a little after nine. I unbraided her hair, she ‘toileted’ (that’s what she’s taken to calling the act of peeing in the toilet. I know.) then all the turtles and Bobby the penguin kissed her goodnight.

At that point, I told her I’d be back and I went about my own bedtime routine.

Ten minute or so later, I made my way back toward her bed so that Barbie could sing to her.

Barbie commented that she saw Olivia yawn.

I told Liv that she looked tired.

She asked, “Can you smell someone’s tired?”

I told her that you probably couldn’t smell it but that you can hear it in a person’s voice and you can see it in their face. You can also hear the yawns as well as see them.

She smiled tiredly at me.

After Barbie performed her usual repertoire, she kissed Olivia good night. The turtles kissed her gently and then she asked me if I would touch her face.

Odd request, but okay. I gently rubbed her forehead, cheeks, and scalp. Her eyes got heavy as she relaxed under my touch.

I scratched her back a little and went back to rubbing her face. She fell asleep before five minutes of gentle touching passed.

I think she needed a night of gentleness from me.

I know I needed it too.

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