I get video notifications on my FB as everyone who is ever on FB does. Some of these notifications I understand. (Brad Mondo? Thanks Lyss!)
But others are just odd. There is this woman, she’s blond, has bad teeth and bad skin, who does these product testing videos. (I’m not going to put her name here because what if she googles herself and finds this and then feels bad because of the bad skin and teeth comment? I’m not a monster.) She tries out hair products and makeup. Once the makeup is on, by the way, her skin always looks ever so much better.
I can’t stand her. Her voice drives me crazy but sometimes, I can’t help but watch her videos.
One afternoon I sat there with a scowl on my face as I glared at my phone.
Alyssa peaked over my shoulder to see what I was watching that made me look so mean.
She laughed and asked, “Are you hate-watching that?”
I’d never heard it put that way but yes, I was absolutely hate-watching that woman’s video. Not that she cares, any view is better than no views.
There’s this other woman who does product reviews too but she’s adorable. Her videos are recorded in her car. I think she’s from one of the Carolina’s and she’s so funny. I do not hate-watch her. I just watch her. (insert her name because she deserves to know she’s awesome)
I’ve figured out that I also hate-watch House Hunters. Man, those people buying houses are idiots. They’re so annoying, with their, “But I wanted a white kitchen!” and “I wish these countertops were quartz.”
But I can’t look away.
And then there’s the hate-listening. I’m looking at you Andy and Nichole. (Yes, she spells her name with an H in there. Yikes.) I do a lot of hate-listening to them. That’s super fun.
Let’s not forget the hate-reading. There is on blog I still hate-read. The writer, a mother of six, thinks she’s hysterical. She’s not. Again, I won’t link her blog because I don’t want to be mean.
There was another blog I used to hate-read. I finally had to stop because the writer irritated me so much I just didn’t get any enjoyment out of the hate-reading.
That’s the thing, I must get some kind of joy out of all this hate-reading/watching/listening or I’d stop. I did stop with that other blog because the writer (this time a mother of two, one of which has autism) just rambled about stupid stuff and like to point out ad nauseam that she likes to read. She liked to think of herself as a writer, often pointing out that her love of reading lead to her being able to write. Big freaking deal, a lot of us like to read, it doesn’t make us all writer.
Ahem, let’s move on.
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