Last Thursday (not yesterday, but a week ago yesterday) I took the day off work and kept Olivia out of school. We got up at 6:30 (a whole hour later than usual, wheee!!!) and were out the door at 7:45 on our way to the oral surgeon (he's a TALL boy!!!) where they sedated my child, made an incision in her gums and then went up inside those gums where they attached a bracket to the tooth (remember Ruthie?) that is STILL up inside those gums, and attached a chain to that bracket.
In two weeks we'll go to the orthodontist and he'll tug on that chain in the hopes that Ruthie will behave and come down and join her toothy brethren.
Olivia cried as she came out of the anesthesia. She didn't understand why she was crying but I think it was a combination of being relieved that it was over and just how she reacts to anesthesia. I puke, she cries. I think maybe she got the better end of that reaction.
Once her emotions were calmer and she was less at risk for puking, they let me take her home. But first we had to go to Walmart and get some pain meds for her.
While we waited the twenty minutes for the pharmacy to fill the prescription, we got some ice cream and some tissues.
We were home by 11:00.
Olivia ate some ice cream, some more ice cream, a serving of jello, some yogurt and then some more ice cream.
She played on her tablet and I took a nap.
Then I made some mashed potatoes but she didn't eat much of them because apparently I made them too creamy and the gravy was 'weird.'
I gave her half a pain pill at 11 that morning and then again at 5 that evening.
She had one more half a pill the next morning but didn't take any more after that.
She's a tough nut, that Olivia. I couldn't be prouder of her.
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