Monday, June 16, 2014

We Left Him on Father's Day

So yes, the girls and I abandoned Tom yesterday. We went to see Maleficent and let him at home to do, well, whatever he wanted.

See, there have been many Mother’s days where I just wanted some quiet. In fact, a few years ago, I left Tom home with the girls on Mother’s day and went to see two movies, by myself. It was awesome. I even remember which two movies I went to see, that’s how great my time alone was.

On Saturday I asked Tom what he wanted to do on Father’s day. He shrugged. He’s a shrugger. So irritating.

Anyway, after the shrugging, I mentioned the possibility of taking the girls to see a movie on Sunday and asked if he’d feel abandoned if we left him home along on Father’s day. This time, he didn’t shrug. His eyes actually lit up at the idea of having some time to just relax.

So it was decided.

We did ease the abandonment a bit by giving him presents before we left for three hours. So there is that.

And fun was had by all. Get this, there was no guilt for any of this. I’ve come a long way.


Julie said...

I took a big thick nap on Father's Day while Rick worked in the garden. I didn't feel bad either.

Julie said...

I took a big thick nap on Father's Day while Rick worked in the garden. I didn't feel bad either.