Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hey Jealousy!!

Our local school held the graduation ceremony on the Sunday before Memorial Day. Which is nice for those with graduates, it gives a day to recover from festivities. Others who might want to travel for the weekend probably aren’t so excited about this.

Anyway!! This isn’t about the school administration and their scheduling issues.

Alyssa wears T-shirts and hoodies. She’s not really a ‘dressy’ kind of gal.

Alas, she is in the band and choir, so she’s required to dress up on occasion. She often stands in her room wringing her hands in despair, lamenting her lack of dressy clothes. Which amuses me to no end because I try and try to get her to even LOOK at dressy clothes while we’re out and about but she refuses, saying everything looks stupid or just not her style.

Which, yes, of course dressy clothes aren’t your style, my dearest love. We all get that. But when you NEED them, it doesn’t matter that they aren’t your style, you still have to wear them.


Where was I?

Yes, the Saturday before Memorial Day. Which, if you’re keeping track is the day before graduation, my mom and I took A and O to Fort Wayne with the intention of looking at Kohl’s for a dress for Lyss to wear to graduation THE NEXT DAY.

Yes, nothing like waiting until the last minute. Sigh.

As is our norm, we decided to go to lunch before hitting the stores. We tried to go to Steak ‘n Shake in Fort Wayne but found that the north location (on Coldwater Road for those who want to know) has closed. Huh. Who knew? Well, now WE know, which is guess is what matters.

My mom suggested we just go to the mall. The girls very enthusiastically agreed with that suggestion. They love Sbarro’s pizza.

After lunch we headed to JC Penney’s because, well, it was right there.

We came across racks and racks of dresses priced at 40% off.

We picked five dresses and headed to the dressing room. My mom and I waited outside the stall while Liv went in with Lyss to serve as her zipping girl. It was sweet.

Alyssa ended up with three dresses, one purchased by me, one by my mom and the last one, Alyssa bought herself because she happened to have a bunch of cash on hand. Smart girl.

As we headed out of town, my mom commented, “It’s so sweet that Livie showed no signs of jealousy while Lyssie was trying on those dresses.”

I shrugged. Neither of my girls seem to be jealous of the other.

Olivia knows that even if she’s not getting a dress this week and Lyss is, it might be Liv’s turn next week (or you, know some other time.)

Now, don’t think I’m sitting here tooting my horn as an awesome parent who has fostered good will within her children.

Ha! We all know that none of this is my doing. I can’t take credit for their awesomeness. I mean, I’ve love to, of course. I’d love to be able to say that I’ve loved them both so thoroughly and so evenly that they KNOW there is no reason to feel jealous of the other. But…yeah. No. I don’t get that credit.

My girls are just good kids. They don’t feel any need to compete with each other because they actually like each other and enjoying seeing the other succeed and/or get nice things every so often.

We share the love and they both know that in the end, it will all even out.

Remember when I worried incessantly that Alyssa would be jealous of Olivia’s need for therapies and extra attention? Yeah, apparently, I was stupid for worrying.

I’m a lucky, lucky mom.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Riley is a clothes hound and has everything from swimsuits, leotards, and sweats through the jeans and khakis all the way up to evening gowns and summer dresses and maxi dresses and church clothes in her closet. However...she HATES skirts. Go figure. We should be able to produce just about the perfect outfit for any occasion unless a skirt is required. However #2 - she'll tell you she has nothing to wear.