Thursday, May 9, 2019


The valedictorian of my high school class gave a speech about coasting.

It was a good speech. I mean, I still remember is thirty years later, it must have been decent, right?

He talked about how easy it is to coast through life but if you do that, at some point, you’re going to realize that you’ve coasted right past the points where you could have made difference choices.

He said something about being more deliberate, making actual choices and following through because when you coast, you’re letting life lead you rather than you leading your own life.

I feel like I’m lacking momentum these days.

I get the bare minimum done. I do what needs to be done to get through the day.

The laundry gets done on Sundays. The girls are fed, the carpets vacuumed and the kitchen floor is swept.

But nothing else ever gets done.

I have a list of things I want to do and it keeps growing. But I do the minimum because I lack the motivation to even get started on those other projects.

I think that once I get even one thing started, the momentum I will build will at least help me finish one of those projects.

These projects aren’t the type that will make our lives hard if they don’t get done. It’s not like I need to reshingle the roof and am just not doing that. No, it’s more like the closets need to be organized, or the toy room needs cleaned out. These are not life-enhancing projects, but they’re things I’d like to get done and they just aren’t happening.

I’m tired.

Like, all the time.

But that’s no excuse for not getting off my tired, achy butt and doing things.

Except, there’s laundry that needs to be folded and children who need to be fed and those cookies aren’t going to bake themselves.

I’m looking for a little motivation to stop coasting. Got any tips for creating momentum out of apathy?

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