Thursday, June 16, 2011


This morning as I searched through drawer after drawer of crap in my bathroom, looking for a safety pin (because my pants, they are too tight) I came across a bottle of turquoise nail polish. I absent-mindedly put that bottle of nail polish on the counter by the sink, thinking I'd put it away after I found a blasted safety pin.

Then Olivia woke up and I got her dressed.

Then I woke Alyssa up and she got dressed. And she saw the nail polish and asked if I'd do her nails.

I said evenly, "If there's time."

And she shrugged, probably thinking there definitely wouldn't be time.

We're all busy these days. We moms never have enough time. There's never enough time to get the laundry done, the dishes washed, the floors swept/vacuumed. There's barely enough time to fix dinner, eat it and then snuggle for a bit before bed.

Whether we work outside the home or stay home with our kids, working all day long, there just isn't ever enough time.

But this morning, as I grabbed my socks and my phone (which I use as an alarm clock these days) I also snagged that bottle of nail polish and took it downstairs.

I looked at my girls, both dressed in turquoise shirts and sweetly matching capris, I decided I'd make time to do their nails.

So instead of blowing my hair dry, I polished finger and toe nails, forty nails in all. And they were all beautiful.

Tom, being the interactive and fully confident in his masculinity kind of dad that he is, used the hair drier on those awesomely blue nails.

My hair ended up in a ponytail anyway, as it usually does whether it gets blown dry or not. So it's not like I suffered from the lack of primping time.

And the joy those girls got out of gazing in wonder at their nails as we drove to Gram's house? Priceless.

Sometimes, there isn't enough time. But at other times? There's just enough to make two little girls' days just a little bit prettier. And in the end, it's the little things, the things that take five minutes, that mean the most.

Tonight? I might even polish my own nails turquoise. Just because sometimes, we have to make time for pretty.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Love this!! What a fabulous reminder. We're currently working on our bucket list for this summer. I think a little nail painting needs to go the list.