Friday, April 12, 2013


There was a time in my life when my mouth had no filter. If I thought something, it more often than not (like, say 99% of the time) came out of my mouth.

I’ve learned at the ripe old age of 42 that there are some things I should leave unsaid.

That said…I still sometimes say things that, while not wildly inappropriate, are still somewhat of a surprise to those to whom I’m speaking.

I used to take a bit of pride in my non-filtered mouth. I figured what the hell, I was just saying what everyone around me was thinking.

But as I’ve grown older and wiser, I’ve learned that perhaps no everyone around me is quite as obnoxious in their thinking as I am.

In fact, just this morning, I said something that made a co-worker snort with surprise and humor.

We’re having a first aid class later this month. If we can get 75% of our workforce to sign up and attend this class, we will have a company sponsored Hotdog Day. Whee, hotdogs, chili and onions. Visitors have been warned.

This co-worker mentioned that there was one specific man who’d gotten a bit defensive when asked if he was taking the first aid class.

I suggested that perhaps this man felt like he’d never actually have to administer first aid so much as at some point, he’ll need it administered to him. This caused my co-worker to snort/laugh. He walked away said he’d thought the same thing but didn’t want to say it.

See, the person we were discussing (gossiping?) is a portly fellow. And…well, that’s enough. See? Filters. They’re a good thing.

I still sometimes say things at home that I realize after they’ve popped out of my mouth maybe shouldn’t have been said, at least around the girls. They know I can be sarcastic and snarky. They think it’s funny.

But I think my filter still needs work in a few areas.

Yep, I’m a work in progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not arrived at my filter yet. I was always reserved and quiet but after Sophie was born I just speak my mind, I can be brutal. And it's getting worse, I think all the years of being so submissive to everyone has built up and just not out of my system yet.