Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today is the day that we Americans give thanks for our blessings. I have so many blessings that I can't possibly list them all.

I am thankful for little girls who announce, "I'm a pretty as a princess." And then, five minutes later are outside playing in the mud.

I am thankful for a husband who toasts me an English muffin each morning just before I walk out the door and then, on one of my few days off, takes care of the above little girls while I sleep for an extra hour.

I am thankful for my mother, who is the best grammy and mother anyone could ask for. She retired when O was a year old so that the therapists didn't have to go to a daycare to work with O.

I am thankful for friends I've known forever who still manage to love me anyway and for new friends who have found their way into our lives.

I am thankful for our home, the one I worked so hard to buy last year. We are so incredibly lucky to be here, in this place at this time.

I am thankful for teachers who are understanding and who have my girls' best interests at heart.

Our lives are so full, so blessed. On this day I want to stop for a minute and think about everything I've been given, everything I've achieved, everything I'm not even sure I deserve. I am just so thankful for this life.

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