Monday, April 1, 2019

Day of Disappointment

So I couldn’t do anything right the other day.

Wait, work was fine that day. And I made an appointment with a doctor, so that was okay too.

But once I got home, it felt like the whole evening was one big disappointment…in me.

I hadn’t even put my purse down when Olivia accosted me at the door and asked if we could go to Gram’s.

I told her we had to do her homework first.

We did her homework…painfully, and then waited for Alyssa to get home.

Tom was cleaning strawberries for the girls to eat later. He’d gathered most of the garbage that we were going to take to my mom’s house.

Alyssa got home and sat in the driveway with her friend Tessa FOREVER. Apparently, they don’t spend enough time together because they needed that extra eternity to hang out and bond over bitching about some of their other friends.

It’s what we do, right?

So I was tired of waiting, so I told Liv to put her boots and coat on and we’d go out.

Tom tossed the knife he was using to hull the strawberries down and said he’d finish getting all the garbage together.

I sighed and said it was okay, I didn’t realize there was more. He ignored me and went into the garage.

I took over the strawberry project, feeling sad and dejected. Maybe I’m PMSing, who the hell knows.

Finally, he came back in, I finished up with the strawberries and then Olivia and I went out to where Lyss was STILL in Tessa’s car, which was blocking my exit out of the garage. I shot a pointed look at Alyssa and got in my car. Olivia got in the passenger seat.

Alyssa got out of Tessa’s car, Tessa pulled away and Lyss got in the backseat and we headed to my mom’s.

When we got there, my mom off-handedly said, “I’d almost given up on you.”

She had a bunch of food ready for us.


As lovely as it was to have food cooked for us, I felt bad that she’d thought we might be coming after going to all the trouble to cook so much for us.

We ate, we hung out in the toasty sunroom. Olivia asked if she could take off her pants. I denied her request. She asked if she could take off her shirt, I denied that request as well and then we went home.

There I found a bunch of food that Tom had cooked/heated up for us.


Damn it! Why is everyone being so freaking nice on a night when I can’t possibly reciprocate and when all I can do is disappointment every single person in my life?

Olivia ate what her dad had heated up.

Alyssa took a shower.

I packed lunches and put away the other food that Tom had cooked, washed the dishes

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ugh. I've had those days! Keep your chin up. I'm sure you are a lot harder on yourself than anyone else was on you.