Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pajama Day...Everyday?

Okay, when did it become socially acceptable to go out in public in pajamas if you’re over three years old?

I mean, seriously. What is up with people, ADULT people going to places like Walmart, Meijer, the drug store, etc. in their pajamas?

I realize I probably sound like an old school marm but for goodness sake, at least put on a damn a bra! And real shoes. Slippers in public? Really?

Yes, my girls wore their slippers at school yesterday, but it was a special occasion and they wore actual shoes to and from school, changing into the slippers while actually inside the building.

Is this the slippery slope we started down way back in the sixties and seventies when women stopped curling their hair before going out in public? Is this some sort of branch of women’s lib that says we don’t have to wear make-up, or hell, actual clothes to go about our daily business?

I don’t get the laziness of it all, quite honestly. I don’t understand sitting around the house on a Wednesday afternoon thinking, “Huh. I need to go buy some groceries. Ohh, but the chore of getting dressed is just so bothersome. I think I’ll just go in these Tinkerbell pajamas I slept in last night. Who cares that I haven’t bothered to brush my teeth or hair? I won’t see anyone important anyway.”


Even yesterday, an actual Pajama Day at my girls’ school, they didn’t roll out of bed and wear the same jammies to school that they’d worn the night before to bed. No, I made them get up, change out of the jammies they were wearing and into clean, fresh jammies. It’s just how you start the day, for Pete Sakes!

I work with a woman who has had to tell her twenty-two year old step-daughter not to come visit her at work if she can’t be bothered to get dressed before doing so. Just today, that same young woman (the step-daughter, not the co-worker) called from the parking lot. She was in her pajamas and wanted to know if her step-mom wanted her to wait in the car rather than come in and see her.

When the co-worker/step-mom got back in from going out to see what the pajama’ed young woman wanted, she declared that her step-daughter had just come from buying groceries.

Yes, I’m old. Yes, I’m not hip and ‘with it’ like the young people of today. No, I do not understand why these people can’t be bothered to get dressed before going out in public. I don’t understand why some of them wear their pants so low that you can see six inches of butt crack peaking out behind their stupid, pointless thong underwear. I do not understand how a pair of slippers can keep a person’s feet warm and dry in the middle of winter.

I know. I have young girls who will soon be teenage girls and we’ll be having this fight daily. I can just hear myself now calling out, “Go back up those stairs and put on a bra. And while you’re at it, put on actual clothes, you are not going out in those pajamas that you’ve worn for the past four nights.”

I wonder if the mothers of the sixties and seventies went through this state of not understanding why their daughters couldn’t be bothered to put on a little lipstick and perhaps poof up their hair just a little.

Probably. I supposed the generation gap is one constant we can always count on.


Tiffany said...

I can't imagine going out in my pjs!!!

Julie said...

Hmm, I seem to remember the two of us going to Kroger in our jammies and not only were they jammies, they were those unsnap the butt kind of jammies. But that was a special day so hopefully no judging. :)