Friday, September 2, 2011

Sans Kids

Today something unusual happened.

I had the day off and the kids...didn't. They had school, which meant that from 7:30ish until just after 11:00, I didn't have to work nor did I have a child in in my care. This hasn't happened in almost nine years. Or, since Alyssa was born.

Every day I have off work, one or both of the girls has always been with me.

So what did I do with my three and a half hours with no kids? Laundry.

So flipping boring, huh? But I relished the quiet, the emptiness of our house. I put the laundry away without anyone yelling up the stairs, "Mommy?"

I never once had to call out, "I'm up/down here!"

But I missed them too. Those two little girls who suck the life out of me at times. I missed them.

I ended up picking Olivia up at school and going to town where we had lunch together and went to JoAnn Fabrics. We bought wooden letters that will spell out each girl's name above their closets.

It'll be cool. I hope to post pictures. I'm not that good at that sort of thing these days.

We got home just in time to greet Alyssa and her friend fresh from the bus.

Speaking of the bus. This morning, I offered to drive the girls to school since I was home and, well, that's what moms who are home do, right? Neither of them took me up on the offer. They both chose the bus.

How freaking awesome is that? Seriously! I love that they're both loving this new life we're building here. Olivia is adapting to school so well, though she won't talk about it. Whenever we ask her about school she answers with, "Poop."

I know. What are you going to do?

To all you 5p- moms out there with older kids: Her preschool teacher asked me about something to which I had no answer.

When Olivia is coloring on a page, she more often that not, ends up coloring on the table. Is this a symptom of the syndrome or her just getting bored and being sort of naughty. Her teacher wasn't sure Olivia even understands that she's only supposed to color on the page not the table. I think she knows. I think she's bored with coloring on paper and moves on to something more interesting.

The teacher also told me that they'd ordered a couple of books on 5p- in an effort to better understand Olivia so that they can better teach her. While I appreciate this so very much, I do wonder what they'll find in the books. I haven't read up much on 5p-. Our pediatrician, at the time of O's diagnosis, told us not to do too much research because it's all so outdated. So I wonder...

I guess I'll be able to ask at parent/teacher conferences. That'll be interesting, huh?

Anyway, I think I wasted my first few hours of being kid-free but with school in session and years of school to come, there'll be more hours to fill. I did miss them, though. Which surprises me at the moment since Alyssa just yelled out, "Moooom, she dumped my water out!"

Better go clean up the mess.


Kate J said...

This is a few years old, but certainly more up-to-date than a lot of the sources, plus one of the authors (Dr. Campbell) is a CdC parent:

I usually have this printed out and on hand if/when we have to go to the ER, since there are ALWAYS doctors who are not familiar with CdC.

P.S. We have coloring on the table (and walls) going on, too, but it is so HARD to get Janine to hold a crayon, that everyone usually CHEERS when she does. Can't say why she prefers that to paper.

Should Not Operate Heavy Machinery said...

Violet colors mostly on paper... if she does color on the table, it is b/c she is so "wide sweeping" with her strokes that it gets on the table. I don't think she would know NOT to color on the table though.

Sounds like you have an awesome school there! It must be comforting to know that they are really interested in helping her.

Tiffany said...

Yeah for you for having quiet alone time!

I like Kate's suggestion. I would also direct them to our blogs...much more realistic!

statia said...

My first "day off", you would think I would clean, but I'm totally going to crack out on the computer.

Anonymous said...

Bahaha. Laundry. But it is peaceful isn't it?

Nora starts preschool at the end of the week. I was just thinking about what I might do during those 2 hours... I was thinking I might have coffee with a friend or my mom. The more likely thing? Laundry. :)

Glad you enjoyed your time!