Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Project "Move More"

Yeah, so how’s that going? Ha!

Okay, so I went for one, that’s ONE single walk in all of August, so I’m sort of ahead of that already, since I’ve already managed to go on one walk in September. And!!! There are still like ten whole days left in September, so I can totally do it.

If I want to. Which, yeah, I’m not sure I do. See, yes I love results but I really hate actually having to work for them.

And so far, the ‘healthy eating’ plan I’m on is still getting results and yay! That totally works for me. As of September 20th, I’m down 23.5 pounds from when I started on August 1st. I’m pretty happy with that sort of progress.

In fact, I’d really hate to screw that up by mixing exercise into the schedule. I mean, what if I start to build muscle which, they say, weighs more than fat and THEN? I’d gain weight and I’d be all frustrated and annoyed and we all know that I’m not pleasant when I’m frustrated and annoyed.


Yeah, there’s always an except. Except my back hurts. Pretty much every night. No matter what position I attempt to sleep in, my lower back aches. If I try and lie on my right side, then my lower back aches and my right hip aches. If I roll over to my left side, then my left hips aches along with my lower back.

There is no way I can sleep in my back because that position causes my back to feel like it’s breaking. Lying on my stomach is just not at all comfortable either.

Over the weekend, Tom asked me at one point why I seem so tired all the darned time. I told him my sleep struggles and asked him how much more weight he thinks I need to lose before my back stops hurting so much. He stood for a moment, thinking.

Then he said he was trying to figure out what exercises might strengthen the lower back.

I rolled my eyes. That man is always trying to get me to exercise. For the love of Pete, enough with the exercise, I thought. He really can't seem to accept that he married an extraordinarily lazy woman.

Alas, he’s probably right. I probably do need to strengthen my lower back as well as loosen up the muscles which might actually help with the achiness.

And then, as if the fates are out to get me, yesterday morning at work we had a safety training session with a physical therapist/sports trainer who talked about stretching and exercise (for the love of…) and how moving around is so much better than sitting on your big, fat butt all day. Okay, so he didn’t use those words but he did say that sitting for long periods of time is worse for your back than unloading heavy boxes from a truck.

But I don’t wanna exercise. I know. I should want to do it. I should do it because it makes me feel better even if I don’t wanna do it.

Of course, I didn’t race home and tell Tom about the training yesterday, wouldn’t want him to think he’s right or anything. That might upset the fragile balance in our household.

But I’m thinking about it. Really I am. And I’ll get out there and start walking/jogging/moving soon. Honest.


Lauren said...

My favorite exercise... and wait that came out all wrong... that's like favorite dentist procedure... but whatever... Pilates... because you're lying down the WHOLE time! So my brain thinks I'm just cruisin' when really it's work.

Hey, fake it 'til you make it right? Isn't that what a wise woman told me? ;)


Sharlene said...

YOU crack me up! I so get EVERYTHING you are saying, and I think we are married to the same man with different names! Mine always talks about exercise too (although he doesn't exercise because "Manual Labor IS exercise"!) Hahahahah

I'm trying to convince my brain to try Zumba right now (will let you know how that one goes)!!


Tiffany said...

I know you'd have to wear a bathing suit, but how about swimming?