Sunday, May 15, 2011


Season changes bring about boring but necessary chores. My girls are both growing like crazy these days and so I finally went through their clothes this weekend and pared down their wardrobes into categories in which every single item actually fits them.

When we used to commute each week I'd spend most of every Sunday afternoon figuring out what each of us was going to wear for the rest of the week and then packing those items.

That is one bit of organization I've managed to hold on to even though we no longer spend three or more nights a week away from home. I still lay out (or hang) each outfit for each day of the week. It saves SO much time each morning when I don't have to argue with either girl (Olivia!) when it comes time to get dressed.

But lately, I've had to wade through piles of clothes in front of each of their closets to just get to the clothes hanging there. I also had to filter through the pants Alyssa has either outgrown or refuses to wear (jeans? NO!)

So this weekend I filled a smallish box with clothes for Olivia to grow into and a huge box to either be donated to Goodwill or sent back to Huntington to Gracie, my step-son's daughter. She'll be two next month, but I'm not sure she'll actually be able to get O's hand-me-downs much longer. Jeremy and his wife have managed to have very big (healthy big, healthy!!) children even though J and K are such tiny, tiny people.

Go figure.

Anyway, it's nice to be able to walk into their room and know that their closets are organized, that each item fits and is actually something they'll wear.

Boring? Yes, but so satisfying. Sort of like painting the bathroom.

Too bad I can't convince myself to get busy and just do it more often. It always feels so good to have jobs like this done.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it crazy how fast they grow out of clothing!

Tiffany said...

I am an organization freak so this post really spoke to me!