Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wasted Weekend

My weight loss has stalled. Of course, that's mostly because I haven't been able to stay away from the chocolate covered raisins.

But this weekend I've found the perfect appetite suppressor. Stomach bug. Ich!

Our house has been infested. It started with Alyssa last week. She was home from school on Monday and Tuesday. Olivia was home from school on Wednesday and Thursday. And yay, I got it on Saturday. So far Tom's managed to avoid the whole thing.

He was totally the hero yesterday, though. After I laid around on the couch for all of yesterday he sent me to bed at 7:30 last night, keeping the girls downstairs for a 'camp out.'

I slept uninterrupted for 13 hours. It was lovely. It was also needed. Today was much better. Though I really didn't get nearly enough done considering I lost most of yesterday.

Major subject change: I'm still working on the whole school thing for Olivia. But I'm trying to come to peace with whatever happens. I want to be peaceful without being passive, if that makes sense. I have a couple of more calls to make before giving up on the preschool route.

We'll see.

We'll also see if I can make up for time lost to stomach ick in the coming week. That laundry isn't going to fold itself and the vacuuming elves seem to be on strike. Damned elven unions!

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