Thursday, August 4, 2011


Questions of the day: Why do the foods that are good for our bodies taste so bland? Why are the ones that are so bad for us so very, very yummy? Why can't tuna taste like peppermint?

I need to learn moderation. If I were able to practice a little moderation, I wouldn't have had to start this latest 'healthy eating plan.'

I wasn't a heavy child. When I started college at 19, I weighed about 125. By the start of my second year of college, I was 135. And so on and so forth. I like what I like and I like LOTS of it.

As I take this one month, one week, one day at a time, I can't help but look foward to the day when I actually reach a weight at which I'm comfortable. At that point, I'm going to have to figure out how to moderate my eatin.

I don't want to be fat. But I also don't want to deprive myself for the rest of my life.

So...a bit of moderation must be learned, right?

I have to learn to eat one cookie instead of the entire package.

I need to have one peppermint pattie instead of four.

I know, I'm worrying about something that is months and months away. But if I don't start figuring it out now, I'll be a mess when the time comes.

So...moderation. Does it come naturally to most people and I missed out on it in the genetic draw of straws?

It can be learned, right? If not, I'm sooo screwed.

Edited to add: For my own records, in case I get to the point that I need some motivation toward moderation, as of today, day four of my 'healthy eating' program, I am down 5 1/2 pounds. Yay. Only about 60 more to go. But we're not thinking that far ahead, are we?


Brittany said...

I read a book called "I Can Make You Thin". I was skeptical but it is a really short read and it has some really interesting studies and facts. Now I have to admit I didn't use it to lose weight, but I did try it to help me maintain and I think it really helped. Of course I got pregnant and gained weight again, but I think it is a great way to help learn real eating habits that are life long and easy to accomplish. Anyway you may like it since it covers exactly what you are talking about.

Page said...

5 1/2lbs in 4 days?! That's awesome! You're doing great!

Moderation? I'm with you. I hope and pray it can be learned, because I missed that genetic boat myself.

Keep up the good work!!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

That is a good question... Now that you askbi wonder if I do things inmoderation. I can tell you I have a terrible sweet tooth and I need something sweet after every meal to feel fully satisfied... That's moderation right HAHAHAH! I it's hard at times because sometimes we want what we want.