Saturday, April 7, 2012


We all have choices in this life. Every single day starts with a choice. Do I hit snooze just one more time? Do I snag just seven more minutes of sleep or do I drag myself out of bed and start the day?

Then there are the choices of what to wear, what to have for lunch, whether to wear makeup or not.

I haven't been doing all that well lately. I've been sabotaging myself, making bad choices which lead to self-loathing and a boatload of anger.

I need to remember that every action on my part is a choice. Every feeling is my own. I have to own my emotions and remember that no one can make me feel bad about myself without my permission.

I have choices, even though sometimes I don't feel like I do.

I need to remember that and start making good ones, choices that lead to happiness.

Happiness is a choice. It is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes my inner self responds best to gentle encouragement, sympathy, and coaxing: like I would treat a small child: then it's less apt to respond with self-loathing or anger, more apt to enjoy playing "Let's try to do a little better." :-)