Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween-ween-one-ween

Because they're too cute to wait to post:

Merida and Katniss, reporting for butt-kicking duty.

We decided that the weather was not conducive to traditional trick or treating. Instead, my mom invited us, my brother and nephew and my cousin Holly and her daughter to come to her house. The kids wore their costumes and the adults went into the bedrooms with candy. The kids knocked on the doors and got candy. We all stayed warm and candy was had by all. Win/win.

Jason and Jaxon decided Luigi and Mario were the way to go.

Not to be left out, my mom did a little Clowning around and my step dad channeled Elvis. I have a seriously awesome family.

And Tom is equally awesome by being a good sport and getting into the act too.

Can you even stand it?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love the girls' costumes...two of my favorites!!!